Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Gettin' Beat By the Heat!

What do you think is the worst thing to have happen during a heat wave? I mean besides like people passing away or natural disasters....

Yup, that's right, the Air Conditioning breaking! That's the worst thing to have happen during a heat wave!

And yup, it happened to us!

Our central air unit is not working correctly so we are back in the "dark ages" and living with fans and windows open. Not. So. Much. Fun. And if you know me even the least bit you know I HATE the heat! I mean really detest it!

Pat was home with the kids today and I got out of work at 1 and was home by 2. We wanted to get out of the house during the "Hot Hours" so we headed out on the town for the afternoon. At least the car would be air conditioned. First, we got Nicholas and Daddy's hair cut in a lovely, cool, barber shop. Then we headed to Lowe's to get some things for our roses and to get rid of the bees we have outside. After that we ventured to Wal-Mart just to kill time and enjoy "free" air conditioning. Finally, we hit Friendly's for an early dinner and so Nicholas and Addie could enjoy some ice cream. I took a couple of pictures with my cell phone. Nothing too exciting!

We're sitting here with the fan blowing like gangbusters awaiting this cold front that supposed to move through and cool us off! Since we can't get a company to come out and look at our unit until Tuesday we're going to really kick it old school and use some window ACs borrowed from grandma and pop-pop's house! We may even end up staying there if it gets too bad!!

Keep your fingers crossed for cool weather and an AC miracle!

Doesn't he look cute all ready for Summer with his new 'do?

Nicholas begged for this cart- he always begs for it!
Today, we gave in and they had such fun "driving" us all around Lowes!


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