Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dental Dynamo

Today, Nicholas had his first Dentist visit! We went to Dr. Carollo who has been our family dentist for quite some time!
First, Nicholas had his teeth cleaned by Donna while sitting on my lap.
Then he had his picture taken for Dr. Carollo's wall of fame!
Finally, he sat in the chair all by himself and let Dr. Carollo, aka Dr. John, look at his teeth and count them!
Nicholas has a total of 20 teeth- all baby teeth!
They are super helathy and spaced out perfectly.
Nicholas was rewarded with a goodie bag full of dental and non-dental toys, including an Elmo toothbrush!

Playing pee-a-boo with Donna

He looks a little scared in the above picture, but he's not! He's just patiently awaiting Dr. John and his counting fingers!!
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