Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm Glowing

Well, as some of you know I've been dealing with some health issues since before we found out Addison was coming along! Today, I began the journey that will hopefully lead to a cure. I had my first dose of radiation today that will help to determine how much more I need next week. Today's dose, while you have to sign your life away in order to take it, is completely safe for me and everyone around me. Although, I am so itchy right now I want to crawl out of my skin! Next Tuesday I go in for hopefully my last dose of radiation which should, if effective, alleviate most of my symptoms. Next week I will be secluded in my house while Pat and the kids stay with Grandma and Pop-Pop. I am not allowed to really be around anyone for an extended period of time since I will be so radioactive. Feel free to email me as I'm sure I'll be bored and quite lonely! I do have to say thank you to a few of our really great friends and family members who, while not necessarily close by, have been there for me and our entire family over the past year but even more so over these past few months as things have "escalated"!
I know this post and probably the next few over the next two weeks aren't as happy go lucky as the ones about the kids, but I really wanted to share with everyone because it seems like every time I mention this to someone they tell me about their own thyroid problems. So, I wanted to be able to be there for someone else just as I've had people be there for me! Thanks for listening and stay tuned for some more "glowing" news! ;)

I'd take a picture of myself but sadly, I'm not really glowing! When I get my homeland security card though, I will definitely photograph that!!


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