Monday, July 23, 2007

A Couple of Days

I've been trying to take more pictures as of late. These past few days we've had a few things going on. I've been getting the kids and Pat ready to head down to Grandma and Pop-pop's house for the week while I have my radiation treatment. Today, my friend Heather came over and we went to lunch and then hung out for awhile. Unfortunately for Heather she ran over a piece of wood which punctured her front tire and flattened it completely. Luckily for me, though, I was able to meet Heather's best friend Niki and also Heather's mom! Tonight, I was taking a few pictures of Addie on her play mat when Nicholas began to beg for me to take a few shots of him. These are the best of lot! There is also a very cute shot of Addie and Daddy watching what I can only assume is PTI or SportsCenter as they are both staples in our house.


Anonymous said...

So, I (Heather) had my husband up to Alisons to fix the hole in my tire the day after (Tuesday). On the way home we had to take a highway, and my firend Niki and I were fooling around driving along side my husband, when all the sudden, we hear a noise. Looking at the back of the Jeep (car that had the flat; aka "Heep") Niki and I saw the tail pipe draging. Sparks were everywhere. Dan (husband) was looking at us with this look of "O S**T" and we started to point to tell him to pull over. So We pulled behind him and watch as my poor husband assessed the situation. He then proceeded to get the flashlight in my car and as he was walking to the back of the car, his hat was blown off by a big truck that flew by. He got his hat, took off the tail pipe and put it in the back seat. You can imagine how mad he was when we got home. But hey, no one was hurt.

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