Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Day 2

Well, day 2 is just about over! Last night was ok. It was definitely nice to sleep in this morning but I think the loneliness is starting to really set in! I did have a nice short visit yesterday. Heather had to come back to pick up her jeep because it had a tire run flat on her way here on Monday. So I was able to chat with Heather, her husband Dan and their friend Niki. Of course, to make sure they were protected, I had them stand at the curb while I stood at the front door. It was nice to have some human contact although I wish they could be here tomorrow or Friday!
Physically, I'm feeling ok. My stomach has been a little queasy but nothing major. And I've got a sore throat that seems to be getting worse. From what I've read, both of those things are quite normal. So, yes, day 2 is just about over and while I don't mind completely being alone during the day, although it is a little hard, I do mind the nights. Last night I slept with the lights and tv on as well as having my wooden Louisville Slugger under the pillows next to me. Why under the pillows you ask. Well, if I just kept it next to the bed or visibly on the bed next to me then whomever was clearly coming to get me would be able to use it against me! And yes, I am well aware that I'm off my rocker.....I think it's the radiation.....!


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