Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tree Trimming

Today, we finished our decorating by putting up our main and final tree in the living room!  We had grandma and pop-pop, Aunt Jessica and Aunt Meaghan over to help us decorate and just spend the afternoon together.  Truth be told, Nicholas and Addison did most of the decorating.  Pat and Aunt Jessica did the lights and then the kids took to the ornaments and really did a great job!  I haven't put away all of the boxes yet so I don't have a finished product picture of the tree but it's GREAT!

We had a wonderful day spending it talking and eating!  It's days like this when I come to realize how truly blessed we are to have each other and wonderful friends.  Today was a lot of fun and it was just so nice to spend the afternoon together talking and laughing.  And now the house is all ready for Ladies Night In next weekend!!

This is our Dining Room Tree
All Red, White and Silver
It's our only Live tree

Nicholas decorating the "Main" tree in the Living Room

Placing the Ornament Perfectly

I love this picture

Mommy and Nicholas

Aunt Meaghan and Nicholas

Putting on the Angel

Finished Product to come....


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