Sunday, December 13, 2009

Oh Yes, It's Ladies Night

Last night I hosted a ladies night in at our house for some of my closest friends- that could make it!  Sadly, there were people missing who I wish could have joined us!  At any rate, last night was tons of fun!
Women from all parts of my life came together for lots of wine, appetizers and desserts and, of course, conversation!  We spent the night laughing and enjoying all the delicious delicacies that everyone brought.  By the end of the night we had laughed ourselves silly and fully enjoyed each others' company and food!
It truly was the perfect way to spend a Saturday night during this holiday season and we can't wait to do it again!

Much to Pat's dismay I occasionally buy wine based solely on the label.
I thought this was apropos considering the event!
The wine was tasty, too!




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