Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

It's almost 3:30am on Christmas morning and I am wide awake courtesy of a large cup of coffee consumed about 3 hours ago.  I'd like to take this first opportunity to wish you a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas!

After a busy day of last minute shopping, spending the day with my family and the evening enjoying time with Pat's family, I have finally settled in to wait for Santa and my cheesecake to finish!

We had a lovely evening with the Stella side of the family and the kids got to run around, enjoy lots of family time and open tons of presents!  The food, the conversation and the company were quite lovely and, as always, it was a great way to spend Christmas Eve and prepare for Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas!!

Ready for Christmas Eve!

This is my favorite picture of the night purely because of the look on Pop-pop's face!
He was trying to get the kids to stand in front of the tree so I could take a nice picture.
It didn't work.

Grandpa and Addie

Aunt Liz, Frank and the kids

Aunt Liz and Addie

Looking for Santa

Presents from Aunt Liz.
(Torture tools for mommy and daddy)

Christmas Even 2009


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