Sunday, September 30, 2007

We Bleed Green!

The game is on and we're excited over here at the Stella household! Addison and Nicholas have been suited up since this morning in preparation for our favorite game of the season! Eagles-Giants is currently in the first quarter and it's 0-0, but I just had to share these pictures.
I figured that one of our children should

support the
Giants, for Pat's sake, hence the Manning jersey.
But what Pat doesn't know is that Nicholas
has on his Eagle green socks underneath all of that blue!


Anonymous said...

Instead of mixing and matching the green and blue, why don't you give Nicholas a nice shade of purple?

~ bunkers

Unknown said...

We're pretty happy with our team colors. The blue and green go nicely together, we're considering adding in some cheesy yellow to go with a certain hot quarterback some of us love.
We'll leave the purple for someone else.
Thanks for the suggestion.

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