Monday, September 24, 2007

And So Begins the "Remodel"

As some of you know, we came very close to buying a house this weekend. Well, we came close to starting the process to buy a new house. We found a great fixer upper in Chatham that we could not pass up and we were ready to put an offer in and move forward with putting our house on the market. Well, it turns out that the agency that represents the selling agent lied to us about the house being in Attorney Review during the weekend and we backed off. The house was not in Attorney Review until late this afternoon.
While it looks like we may have missed out on this opportunity we do believe that it just wasn't meant to be. Who knows? Maybe a few weeks from now the house will not have gone to contract...we'll see! What did come of all of this?? We decided to start fixing up our house and "remodeling" so that we can put it on the market sooner than later. We have a feeling, because of the state of the market right now, that it will take a little longer to sell so we're comfortable with taking our time!
What's first on our "remodel" list? The downstairs bathroom/powder room. Originally, I wanted this room to have a nautical theme. Lighthouses, ocean, etc. It ended up having a more patriotic theme- red and white walls, blue towels, blue frames. Not to my liking at all! So, stayed tuned as we dismantle the patriotic potty and move towards something a little fresher! These are the before pictures as I prepare the room for priming and painting.
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