Monday, August 20, 2007

This is What Happens After the Kids Go to Bed

You know, when I was little I was convinced that my parents were partying downstairs with the TV on, candy and soda everywhere and of course Cable TV. (For those of you who don't know, we didn't get Cable until I was probably halfway through high school!)
Turns out, now that I'm a parent, there's very little partying that goes on, unless it's the weekend and all of our friends have sitters or have gotten their kids to bed. But there is plenty of cable tv although it appears that it doesn't even amuse us anymore as these pictures are the result of boredom on tv! Yes, that's Addison's Bumbo on my husband's head. He thinks it looks like a warrior helmet! I'm not so sure about that one...the Lavender color really isn't too Warrior-esque!

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Anonymous said...

We didnt have cable at all when I was growing up. It wasnt even avalible to us untill I was in hight school (about 95ish) and even then my mother didnt want it. We got Direct tv. But the worst part when I got a tv in my room (around the same time) that didnt have any direct tv either. It was just bunny ears. But sadly now, I have cable tv in all my three bedrooms, and in the living room. HA HA HA..

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