Thursday, August 9, 2007

Busy Eventful Day!

We had quite the busy day today! We were up early this morning and out the door by 10 am!! We headed down to grandma and pop-pop's for the day and o boy was it a day!??!?
First, grandma took us out to a yummy lunch where pop-pop met up with us for a little bit! THEN we went to the playground where Addison, of course, fell right asleep! Nicholas, though, had a good time despite the oppressive heat. He played in the sand box, contemplated the rock wall and found a car to drive!
After the playground came a trip to the store to pick up prints of our pictures from vacation and then we went to the Farmers' Market in Madison. Mr. Peach was supposed to be there and I was hoping for a peachy photo op, but no such luck! After a cookie and a milkshake at the Farmers' Market we stopped by the supermarket for some dinner and then straight on to grandma's where the day finally hit the little ones! It was a fun fun day and it proved to be just the ticket for getting two energetic kids to rest!

On a quiet side note, we ask that your keep my best friend Megan and her family in your prayers. Meg's dad was in a pretty bad accident the other day and is in bad shape. He's stable but has to have a lot done and it's been pretty rough for all involved! So, please just say an extra prayer over these next few months that he moves along his long road of recovery. Thanks!


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