Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Evening

Well, we're still in the hospital.  And when I say we, I mean me and the unborn bebes!

Truthfully, we have no real answer as to when we're being discharged.  I've been moved to the Antepartum unit and will be here until discharge or until I'm delivered.  I saw one of the high risk doctors this morning and basically it's day to day.  I'm about 4cm dilated and they aren't exactly comfortable letting me go being that dilated with my third birth because I could easily go very quickly!  Tomorrow, I'll be seeing another high risk doctor and my regular OB and we go from there.  We were lucky enough to get both steroid shots on board which means that the girls should have pretty good lungs once they do come!  The goal right now is to keep my pregnant until 35 weeks...whether or not that will actually happen, I really don't know!  I have full confidence in my doctors and all of the staff and facilities here and I know that they have mine and the girls' best interests and health at the center of everything!

I can tell you that being in the hospital and not having the babies to care for or at least visit is not "fun" by any means.  My parents have been awesome and have been taking care of the kids, along with Pat when he's not working.  And as much as I'd like to have visitors, I want to make sure that Nicholas and Addison aren't being "slighted" or anything like that!  It's pretty boring in here and lonely and I would love to just go outside for a bit!  On the bright side, I did get my computer today AND I FINALLY got to take a shower!  Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers, I can't even begin to tell you how much we appreciate them and everyone who has been helping with the kids or has offered, thank you!!  It means so much to know that we are all well taken care of!!

Thanks!  We'll keep you updated!


Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Just hang in there and stay positive.

Try to look on the bright side... I'm just thinking of how right now you're not having to cook or clean or fight over bedtime or do laundry or share the tv remote. The hospital is obviously not the ideal location... but try to get in some relaxing.

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