Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday Monday

Well, we are out of the hospital!  YAY!

According to the doctors I saw today I could go into labor tonight or a week from now!  That's helpful....

My doctor thinks it will be pretty soon but felt it was silly to have me stay in the hospital when my contractions had calmed down and the babies were doing well.  We'll be 34 weeks on Wednesday, contrary to what the side ticker says, and once I go into labor we won't be stopping it.  It will be a one way ticket to the OR for our c-section!  The girls' lungs are good thanks to the steroids they gave me this weekend and now we're just working having them gain weight.  Hopefully, the milkshake I had when I left the hospital this afternoon helped a bit!!  :)

So, now we just sit and wait and let me tell you, sitting is NOT comfortable considering Baby A is SO LOW!!  With the full moon coming this weekend I have a feeling we may be seeing these babies sooner than later!  We'll keep you all updated and informed and, again, thank you so much for all of the kind thoughts and prayers!!!


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