Tuesday, August 5, 2008

National Night Out

Tonight Grandma, Pop-pop and I took the kids to National Night Out at Mennen Arena in Morris Plains. Nicholas had the opportunity to meet lots of paramedics, police officers, firefighters and other civil servants that he might, but hopefully won't, encounter in his life!
The entire event is designed to expose families and community members to people in the surrounding communities who are available to help them in a variety of situations. It's a free night out with food, lots of freebies for the kids and we even had the chance to meet a popular hockey player! Nicholas got a coloring book and a police badge and an autographed picture of Ken Daneyko from the NJ Devils. I tried to get Nicholas stand with the NJ Devil but he wasn't too keen on it, so I did it in the hopes that he would join me. No such luck!
All in all the night was a fun time! Nicholas loved checking out all the police gear and motorcycles and firetrucks. After wandering around snapping some photos we headed into town and met Daddy for pizza. It was a really nice way to spend a Summer evening!

Nicholas checking out the Kodiak

Mommy and The Devil

Nicholas and Pop-pop meet Zeus, the horse

Nicholas earned himself a police badge for driving the police boat

Driving the Fire Truck

Another Kodiak

This one is blurry but I loved him on the Police motorcycle

Yet another Kodiak...this one they ran the lights and sirens for him!

Unfortunately, Nicholas wasn't too excited about the idea of checking out the ambulances. Luckily, we have a paramedic in the "family" who I know will be more than happy to introduce Nicholas to the world of ambulances and IV bags!


Unknown said...

I wonder who that paramedic is that you are talking about???

Unknown said...

Oh, I think you know!

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