Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The "Last" Beach Day

Well, today was my sort of last day of vacation. Technically I have work tomorrow and Thursday but I won't be doing any teaching. I have meetings for the next two days and then I'm off for a few days. At any rate, we wanted to do something fun as a family for my "last" day of vacation. We went back and forth on what to do and where to go. Until finally,
We decided to head down to the beach!
We enjoyed a nice day on the sand, playing in the surf and hanging out on the boardwalk for a little bit. It was a great way to end vacation!

Our Bucket Heads

A rare shot of Mommy

Enjoying some goldfish


This was one Coast Guard ship towing another

Suntan Lotion

Daddy and Addie by the shore

Nicholas and Daddy checking out something


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