Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkins and Haunted Houses

Recently, Pat and I took the kids pumpkin picking in preparation for Halloween and fall. They had such a good time wandering through the pumpkin patch and checking out the animals and the corn. We had a great time watching them, as well. We were lucky enough to unexpectedly run into friends of ours at the farm and we spent a little time chatting and let the kids run around the pumpkins.

Our Ghouls!

Grabbing the wagon and heading out to make their pumpkin picks!

Nicholas has spotted one of his picks, now he just has to get the wagon to it...

Nicholas and Mommy

Addison and Mommy
(If you look, Addie has hair that is the color of a plump, ripe pumpkin)

Found his pick now getting it to the wagon

Making our way out of the pumpkin patch

Our Corny Little Man

They had a hay maze that Nicholas was so excited for!
Addison got stuck and her big brother went into the maze, a third time, to help her!

Heading in to pay for our picks!

Sampling some cider as we get ready to head home for the day....

A friend of mine from work has been kind enough recently to bring in a ton of "New to Us" toys for Nicholas and Addison. As a thank you for all the new goodies, Nicholas decided he wanted to make something for my friend, Rich.
Nicholas, Addison and I made a pilgrimage to Michael's the other day and they chose a Halloween themed gift- a foam haunted house that they constructed with help from daddy.
The three of them had a ball putting the house together and Rich absolutely ADORED the house and has it proudly displayed in his office!

Our crafty boy!

Addison helping out with the craft project

Crazy Faces while making a Crazy Haunted House


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