Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Festivals

Our weekends have been quite busy lately and this one was no exception! After soccer today the kids and I headed down to see Pat's sister, Aunt Liz. She was having a Fall Festival at her house for her friends and family and their kids. We spent the afternoon painting pumpkins, making Halloween paper chains, decorating foam pumpkins and watching all of the kids play together and enjoy themselves! With the weather being so nasty, it was nice to have a fun and unique way to spend a cold, rainy, snowy Fall Saturday!

Ready to Have Some Fall Fun

Aunt Liz and the Kids getting their pumpkins ready

Nicholas and Addison doing some pumpkin decorating

A Little Wii time!

We headed out on the front porch to blow some bubbles...
Addison carries that skull everywhere she goes.....kidding...

Aunt Liz and Her Niece

Bubble Time!

Nicholas, Addison and Their Aunt


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