Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Birthday "TWO" Addison

This past Friday Addison Hilda turned 2!!
Friday night we celebrated quietly at home, just the four of us. We had some cupcakes and sang to Addie.
Sunday was the big celebration for our birthday girl! We had a bunch of our friends and family over to celebrate. We enjoyed yummy food from Grandpa's restaurant and lots of fun company!

Daddy and Addie on her actual birthday

Mommy and the birthday princess

Addie getting ready on the morning of her party

The Minnie Mouse Cake

Tommy enjoying some pasta

Getting ready to blow out the candles

Cutting the cake

Birthday Girl!!

Aunt Mizzy and Aunt Jen

Addie and Her Cousin take Rory out for a spin

A Little Mario Kart between cousins

Lexi enjoying Minnie's ear

Addie really wanted cake but she also wanted to protect her....she found a way!

They moved to the car and taking that out for a spin after Rory

Uncle Paul dancing with Gianna

Aunt Jen and Tommy

The End of the Night


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