Monday, January 5, 2009

The Great One

Nicholas is starting skating lessons on Thursday! He'll be learning to skate on the same ice that I learned to skate on and that two of my cousins used to play hockey on occasionally. In preparation for his first lesson, he and I went out tonight to get him a helmet. We decided to get him a hockey helmet in the hopes that after going through his lessons and learning how to skate he'll go on to play hockey!

We're still getting used to the helmet and the bulkiness of it but I think by Thursday our little Gretzky wannabe will be ready to take to the ice!!


Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Love those shots... especially the last one. I can't wait to hear how the skating goes. I just can't imagine getting Zoe onto skates... it makes me nervous just to see her run full speed across the playground!!!

FYI... I'm taggin you in a post. Hopefully a post that will be up today if my girls cooperate for just a bit longer. hahaha

Megan said...

TOO CUTE! Make sure to bring a video camera to the lesson and post it! Before you know it he will be rowing! :o)

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