Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Big Girl Bed Beginnings

Lots of fun things happened today!! After skating we stopped to visit uncle Matt at the restaurant and have something to eat and then we headed home. Addie went in for a nap and then exhibited her newest skill- climbing out of her crib. This is one "milestone" we never had to deal with with Nicholas. Nicholas never even attempted to climb out of his crib. Addison has more than made up for that by climbing out of hers 10 times in the past two days. She even climbed into bed with Pat this morning and woke him up!! We decided that, since she clearly was not going to stay in there if she didn't want to and we didn't want her to get hurt, it was time to covert her crib into a big girl bed!

So, tonight Addison will (hopefully) be sleeping in her big girl bed! She seems to really love it while she's awake. We're keeping our fingers crossed that she loves it even more when she's sleeping!!


Megan and George said...

Addie, you're growing up too fast! Try not to teach Jamison your new skill!

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