Sunday, December 2, 2007


As I mentioned, we woke up to snow this morning! YAY! Although, it would be wonderful if that snow would continue into tomorrow...or some ice. See those things make it difficult for buses to drive which makes it difficult for school to open! A snow day would be much appreciated by all teachers! :)

Nicholas and I decided to take advantage of the snowfall and Addison napping. We bundled up and headed out into the weather! It really wasn't too bad...actually not bad at all...kind of nice! The snow was falling really nicely, very powdery, perfect! Nicholas really enjoyed himself. Hopefully, once daddy gets home from work we can venture back out with the peanut and get some more pictures!!

Making a Snowball
My Little Snow Bunny

Catching Some Flakes

First EVER Snow Angel!!

My Snow Bunny, Again!


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