Sunday, December 23, 2007

Santa Spectacular and a Few Surprises!

We got to see Santa today! But first, when I turned on the camera to upload the pictures I found some pictures from earlier in the week when we were home with a snowday! Pat took Nicholas outside to play in the snow while I was napping, I think, and they made his very first snowman. Granted it's a bit small but I think it looks just perfect!!

As for our Santa adventure it was quite a surprising one! We went down to grandma and pop-pop's so that grandma could come along to see Santa with us. We set out for the Short Hills Mall because, to be quite frank, I thought they would have the best looking Santa. Apparently, they did but he was out feeding his reindeer by the time we got there. I was not in the mood to wait in the already too long line so we hit a few stores and then headed to Madison. In case you didn't know, Santa has a house in Madison. He lives there this time of year. It's quite quaint. So, anyway, we headed to Santa's house and thankfully, he was there- awaiting our arrival! I was anticipating crying and screaming from two kids who would probably be afraid of the big man. But as you can see from the pictures, they are far from afraid! Nicholas went right up to Santa and told him what he would like for Christmas. Addie was quite comfortable on the big man's knee and even tried to take a tug on his beard! I was quite happy with whole experience and we didn't have to pay a nickel for any pictures or packages or cds or anything! I took the pictures, as many as I wanted, and we got to sit and chat with Santa. It was surprisingly perfect. I'm never taking them back to the mall again!

"I would like Elmo and Little Einstein's for Christmas, Santa!"

The aftermath of the whole day...Nicholas passed out with delicious candy cane "residue" all over his precious little face!!


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