Saturday, December 22, 2007

Houston, We Have Lift Off

It's been a quite awhile since I've posted! We've been quite busy what with getting ready for Christmas and getting over everyone being sick. It's been a hectic week and a half! In that time our little peanut has accomplished something...she's standing in her crib. This all started last week at grandma's house when she pulled herself up to kneeling in her crib. Then today I went to get her up from her nap and sat her up in the crib and she pulled herself right up to standing! SCARY! I can't believe we've come this far! So, we've reached another milestone...standing/lowering her crib mattress for the first time. Very exciting! A great early Christmas present! (Too bad I didn't have a camera!)

We hope that each of you enjoy your holiday over these next few days. Know that you and yours will be in our hearts and thoughts as we celebrate and rejoice on Christmas day!


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