Saturday, January 15, 2011


Today has been a busy day!!
We started off by hosting a playdate with our friends this morning.  The kids had a great time making snacks and playing with the mix of toys while the moms got to chat and sit for a bit!
After our playdate was over we headed out the door!
Nicholas needed a hair cut and we were heading to a birthday party for a little girl in his class who we have known outside of school, too!  We got Nicholas an awesome haircut so that he looked handsome for the party and then we headed over to Rockaway Lanes to celebrate Nicholas' friend B's birthday!
Both kids were generously invited and had an AWESOME time!  This was a first time bowling for both of them and the just loved it!
After bowling we ran a few errands, went to Church and then grabbed dinner- everyone is in bed now and the house is nice and quiet!!
The pictures aren't that great because it hard to get a good shot when their back is to you constantly!!


Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Zoe absolutely LOVES bowling.

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