Friday, January 7, 2011

SnowFun 2011

As I said before, we had a snowstorm today.  Nothing too major, but enough to close schools and make staying home a reality.  We stayed inside for most of the day since I had parked myself on the couch and the kids were playing upstairs!  I decided, late this afternoon, that the kids needed to get outside for a bit, and I needed to get off the couch, so we headed out into the snow!!
We suited up and went out into the snowy weather.  I thought it had stopped snowing before we went outside but it hadn't and a lovely soft snow was coming down lightly.  The kids had a ball throwing snow at one another, sliding down the huge piles of snow and just rolling around in the fluffy white stuff!!  It was pretty cold so we didn't stay out too long but just enough time to satisfy their love for snow play and my need to get fresh air and take a bunch of pictures!
We're off to the shore tomorrow to spend the day with good friends and hopefully the kids will have a snow companion and more chances to play outside again! And tire themselves out!!


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