Friday, January 7, 2011

Life Goes On...With Pizza

The first week of 2011 has been a difficult one for us.  On Tuesday we found out that our August baby was gone.  Our Wednesday I had surgery and I've spent the past few days at home resting and recovering.  Yesterday, I got a phone call in the early afternoon from Nicholas' school saying that he had lost two teeth on the playground and would need to be picked up!  We took him right over to the dentist and luckily, they were baby teeth!!  Today, we're in the midst of a snowstorm and are just enjoying some time at home.
It has been quite a whirlwind week!  
Last night, we decided to have some fun with dinner and we let the kids do make their own pizzas.  They LOVED it!  Pat helped them to stretch the dough, spread the sauce and add tons of cheese.  They waited patiently for their pies to come out of the oven and once they did, the pizzas looked AWESOME!  And they tasted pretty good, too!
Even in the wake of sadness and loss we are seeing that life truly does move forward!  Kids lose teeth, snowstorms occur, and pizzas get made by little hands!  Thank you to everyone who has been so wonderfully supportive and kind over these past few days, we cannot begin to express how much we appreciate your compassion!


Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Mmmmm those pizzas look yummy!

Now... how did Nicholas do eating pizza with no front teeth????

Life certainly does have a way of showing you that it just goes on regardless of anything. I hope life (the happy, the crazy, and the endless SNOW) helps you move forward.

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