Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010!

Merry Christmas!
We hope that everyone had as wonderful and memory filled Christmas as we did!  The kids slept in, for a little bit, and then we headed downstairs to see if Santa had made a stop.  As you can see from the previous post, he most definitely did!  
Nicholas and Addison actually took their time opening presents and seeing what Santa had left for them.  There were points where we even had to tell them to keep unwrapping!!  They were both very happy and excited with all of the goodies that Santa had left for them and enjoyed playing with them for a bit before heading to Grandma and Pop-pop's.
The rest of our day was spent with family at Grandma and Pop-pop's house.  The kids were so excited to see that Santa had stopped there, too, and they were much more skilled at moving quite quickly through the presents that Santa had left there!
All in all it was a wonderful Christmas day filled with lots of love and joy and tons of food and fun!  It was great to watch Nicholas and Addison really enjoy the day and all that it is meant to be filled with!  We hope that your Christmas was just as great!
Merry Christmas!


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