Sunday, December 12, 2010

Breakfast with Santa

While I'm not always the biggest fan of Pat's hours and days that he works, I have to say that his company is very very good to their employees and their families.  There are the general perks, like tickets to things and events that we attend as members of their "family".  But the past two weekends have really made it clear to me that they value the hard work that their employees do and the sacrifices that their families make.  
The Christmas party that we attended was wonderful and absolutely lovely.  It was also an eye opener as to how many people stick around.  The number of employees in upper management who have been with the company for 15 and 20 plus years was staggering and really quite refreshing to see.  Yesterday, the kids and I went back to Perona Farms- where the Christmas Party was- to have breakfast with Santa courtesy of Pat's company.  Let me tell you, it was incredible!  The kids had a wonderful time seeing tons of their favorite cartoon characters, enjoying a delicious breakfast, making Christmas tree ornaments, riding on the Santa train and of course meeting Santa!  It really was an amazing event and we could not be more grateful to Pat's company and the family that runs it!  We had a wonderful time and cannot wait to do it again next year!


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