Thursday, March 20, 2008


I took the kids over to Kiddie Kandids today to have some pictures taken. I try to have pictures done a few times a year and always around their birthday. These pictures are for both kids' birthdays and for Easter. They are wearing their Easter outfits...Addie sans shoes. Enjoy!

Nicholas Patrick
Doesn't he look so old here?!?!


Our Pretty Princess
Our Big Boy

Another Siblings shot

My Favorite Siblings!

I'm pretty sure I've said it before but I'll say it again, Kiddin Kandids is excellent!
I've tried a few other portrait places and short of taking the kids to our wedding photographer, Kiddie Kandids has always done a GREAT job! I have never been unhappy with their work and I've never left there feeling like I had to do all the work to make the kids smile.
We've always gotten great pictures!
I HIGHLY recommend them!


Anonymous said...

They are too cute!!! Love the pics!

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Wonderful portraits. What cute Easter outfits!

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