Saturday, March 1, 2008

Lazily Exhausted

As of today we've been out of the hospital for a week and I have to say Nicholas is doing really great. He's eating and drinking like a champ and we're just about done with all his medicine!
Nicholas had his 3 year old checkup and post hospital checkup this past week. He's lost about 10 pounds and is down to 30 pounds with his clothes on. He's 36 and 3/4 inches tall and is just doing great growth wise! He was almost able to escape his checkup without a shot but we decided to give him his chicken pox vaccination to keep him safe. So far, no pox marks anywhere- thank goodness!
Each day, Nicholas has improved a little bit but is still getting to the end of his days and is just exhausted. The doctor was still able to hear the pneumonia in his lungs and we're watching his nasty cough for the next few weeks just in case we need another chest x-ray.
As for the effects of the surgery, we're not seeing much yet. We're getting there though. We were told not to expect to see anything for a few weeks. We head back to the doctor for a hearing test and his check up and I'm betting the hearing loss with be non-existent! Or at least that's what I'm hoping! I happen to think his improved eating and drinking are direct results of the surgery. Plus, our little guy does not snore anymore and he has not woken up in the middle of the night once since Monday. We are SUPER grateful for that!!!
Both kids had a great time last night while Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Pop-pop went to a family wedding. My cousin Lenny got married yesterday and Nicholas and Addison had the privilege of spending the evening with my cousin Kelly and my Aunt Carolyn. They had a GREAT time! Nicholas learned to play a full size guitar and sang songs with Kelly and her friend Sarah. He also managed to eat my cousin and aunt out of house and home! Addison was quite easy and ate, drank and slept. Ironically enough, that's exactly what most of us did at the wedding. Minus the sleeping until we were in the car on the way home! It was a really nice wedding with very delicious food! Lenny and his new bride, Kelly, looked quite in love and happy! Unfortunately, I forgot our camera so there are no pictures at all. Really, there are no pictures from this past week...we've been catching up and cleaning up and being lazy and recovering from our exhaustion!
Hopefully, we'll have pictures to share over the next week or so as we get back into our normal routine and I'm able to pick up my camera again!


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