Thursday, January 24, 2008


Well, no surgery for me yet. Looks like Monday should be D-Day or C-Day (get it, for's funny!). Keep your fingers crossed....

Nicholas, on the other hand, will be celebrating his Valentine's Day in the operating room. We'll celebrate his 3rd birthday on the 10th and then bring him in for surgery on the 14th. We saw his specialist yesterday and it appears that he's losing his hearing again and needs a new set of tubes. His ears have filled with fluid again and it's causing problems not only with his hearing but also with his speech. In addition to the new tubes he'll also be having his GIANT set of adenoids out and his LARGE tonsils removed. I don't know if you've ever noticed but there isn't a picture of him, for the most part, without his mouth open and his tongue partially out of his mouth. His adenoids are seriously swollen....GIANT, if you will! The doctor could not believe how bad they are! This surgery, while a lot more serious than the first tube surgery a few years ago, should do a lot more good. The first surgery did a lot of good for our little guy. This one should really alleviate just about all of his breathing and hearing problems! He is quite the little trooper!!

Addison had her 9/10 month check up today. (We're a little behind on the 9 month so we just went for a catch up!) Our peanut is peanut no more! Addison weighed in at 20 pounds 11 ounces. She's 27 inches long and her head is 18 1/4 inches around! She's on the lower percentile side for height but weight she's pushing the mid 70s! The doctor was really happy with her progress and encouraged us to continue with all the table food and sippy cups. She was also very happy that Addie has started "walking" and moving all over the place! We're pretty sure she'll be running marathons by the time her big brother turns 3!! So, a great visit overall and only one shot to boot!! Although we are heading in for some blood tests so that makes up for the lack of shots this time around! ;)

I'll have some pictures to share over the next few days!!


Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Wow! He really is a little trooper!

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