Friday, November 23, 2007

Christmas Kickoff!

The Christmas shopping season kicked off today in crazy fashion...I was not a part of that.
After some PT in the morning and car "shopping" in the afternoon, I spent the evening with the kids at grandma and pop-pop's. We enjoyed some Thanksgiving leftovers and mild napping and then headed into Madison to kick off the Christmas season with the annual Christmas parade and tree lighting!

Nicholas really enjoyed watching the parade and waiting anxiously for Santa to arrive. He even got to see Aunt Jen with the ambulance squad! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to snap a picture as she danced by!

Addie all bundled up in anticipation of the beginning of the parade

Nicholas and his new hat waiting for Santa

The Great Big Wreath getting ready to go up!

Santa and his reindeer

Post parade bread...we kept her hat on because she was still cold even after being home for 35 minutes!!
Some more post parade noshing!
We had such a good time at the parade! Nicholas decided he wants to learn to play the drums after seeing all of the bands go by and really I'm not completely opposed to that.
We didn't have a chance to stay for the tree lighting, it was just too cold, but Nicholas did get to see Santa's house and we made a deal to come back and visit with the big man really soon!


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