Thursday, October 25, 2007

Check Up and In

Hi all! Well, our little peanut is 7 months old as of this past Saturday and she also has her first tooth with another one on the way any day! Today I took Addison to see Dr. Julie, our beloved pediatrician, for her 7 month check up. Looks like our little preemie is little no more! Addie weighs 18.2 pounds and is 26 3/4 inches long! I cannot believe it!! She's in the 75% for weight and somewhere just above the 50% for height. People don't believe me when I tell them she was/is a preemie!
She's doing so great! Sitting up on her own, rolling EVERYWHERE, babbling away and saying DaDa like you wouldn't believe! Dr. Julie also decided that we're going to stop her reflux medication for awhile and see how she does. I'm hoping she does great so that she doesn't have to be medicated anymore! Our big little peanut is fast asleep right now courtesy of some Tylenol to ward off any shot effects. "Luckily," Addie only had two shots and an oral vaccine today. We split her shots so that her system isn't overwhelmed, so we'll be back in a month or so for a reflux check and a couple of more shots- and of course another growth check!
Pictures to follow tomorrow- Addie gets to ride in her big girl car seat and Nicholas in his booster seat! Everyone is getting so big and Mommy and Daddy are getting so old! ;)


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