Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Ladies

Just a quick update on the girls!  I had another highrisk appointment today and got some great time to look at the girls. 

Baby A is VERY LOW and completely head down.  We're pretty sure she's engaged and ready to go....I dropped sometime last week which has been nice for eating and breathing and not having horrible heartburn ALL THE TIME!  She is weighing about 3lbs 14oz right now and is facing my back.

Baby B is also low, obviously not as low, but she has definitely moved down!  She is now a full breech.  Over the past few weeks she had been laying across my front right under my ribs.  Now she is head up and feet down and she is about 4 inches lower than she has been.....although she does still enjoy ramming her head into my stomach, especially when I sleep!  She is weighing about 4lbs 3oz.  She is also facing my back.

Both are doing really well and have strong heartbeats.  They were pretty active during the scan, baby B more than A, which is surprising because since Saturday I haven't felt them nearly as much as I had been.  That could be a function of them really running out of room as well as them just being a lot lower than they had been!

Every day seems to bring with it a few more contractions than the previous day and they get a bit more intense, too.  I'll be 33 weeks starting tomorrow and I have a feeling that the girls will be here very soon....don't ask me why, but I just do!  Considering how baby B has positioned herself, the likelihood of me NOT having a C-section is SUPER low!

Unfortunately, the tech couldn't get any good pictures of the girls' faces because they are both facing my back.  I was disappointed because they give them to me in 3-D and they are SO CLEAR but I figure the girls will be here before we know it and I'll be able to see them in person rather than in an ultrasound!!


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