Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dos Bebes Update

It's been an eventful few weeks since the last update on the girls!
I was never allowed to return to work courtesy of a climbing blood pressure, swelling and all kinds of uncomfortableness!  A lot of my time is spent either taking the kids to school, picking them up or laying down- and in doctors' offices too!!

I'm about 32.5 weeks right now and I've been in the hospital twice- once with bad dehydration and most recently with preterm labor.  It has become quite obvious that my body is getting ready to evict these little ladies!!  Two weeks ago they were about 4.5lbs and 3.75lbs each- which is GREAT- and now we just wait!  I head back to my high risk doctor on Tuesday and my regular doctor on Wednesday and I have a feeling they will both be quite informative appointments.  Everyone seems to have an idea of when they think the babies will be here....I really feel like it will be sooner than within the next two weeks at the most!

Last weekend, my mom and my closest friends and family came together to help get us prepared with the last few things we needed for the babies and also celebrate with me!  It was wonderful being able to spend the afternoon with those people who mean the most to us and to our family!  Everyone was so generous and my mom really together a wonderful day to celebrate these little girls who are on their way!!  Everyone got to meet the girls' godmothers, too, and also find out the names that we've decided on!  I really think we're all set and now it's just time to wait......

32.5 weeks = D.O.N.E.!

 The girls' Godmothers
 Two of my closest friends
 Grandparents' to be....again!


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