Friday, September 30, 2011

Another Update

So, things have changed a bit in the past few days. After seeing my ob on Wednesday and finding out I'm 80% effaced and contracting, etc my doctor pretty much said it could be any time! Well it appears any time is within the next few days!
Right now, the girls and I are hanging out at the hospital hooked up to a bunch of meds that will hopefully keep my contractions at bay for another 36 hours- roughly. I've been given my first round of steroids to help mature the girls' lungs and my second dose will be tomorrow afternoon. I will most likely go in for my c-section on Sunday!!
Hoping for a smooth delivery and a quick recovery but more than anything else, two healthy girls!!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Ladies

Just a quick update on the girls!  I had another highrisk appointment today and got some great time to look at the girls. 

Baby A is VERY LOW and completely head down.  We're pretty sure she's engaged and ready to go....I dropped sometime last week which has been nice for eating and breathing and not having horrible heartburn ALL THE TIME!  She is weighing about 3lbs 14oz right now and is facing my back.

Baby B is also low, obviously not as low, but she has definitely moved down!  She is now a full breech.  Over the past few weeks she had been laying across my front right under my ribs.  Now she is head up and feet down and she is about 4 inches lower than she has been.....although she does still enjoy ramming her head into my stomach, especially when I sleep!  She is weighing about 4lbs 3oz.  She is also facing my back.

Both are doing really well and have strong heartbeats.  They were pretty active during the scan, baby B more than A, which is surprising because since Saturday I haven't felt them nearly as much as I had been.  That could be a function of them really running out of room as well as them just being a lot lower than they had been!

Every day seems to bring with it a few more contractions than the previous day and they get a bit more intense, too.  I'll be 33 weeks starting tomorrow and I have a feeling that the girls will be here very soon....don't ask me why, but I just do!  Considering how baby B has positioned herself, the likelihood of me NOT having a C-section is SUPER low!

Unfortunately, the tech couldn't get any good pictures of the girls' faces because they are both facing my back.  I was disappointed because they give them to me in 3-D and they are SO CLEAR but I figure the girls will be here before we know it and I'll be able to see them in person rather than in an ultrasound!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dos Bebes Update

It's been an eventful few weeks since the last update on the girls!
I was never allowed to return to work courtesy of a climbing blood pressure, swelling and all kinds of uncomfortableness!  A lot of my time is spent either taking the kids to school, picking them up or laying down- and in doctors' offices too!!

I'm about 32.5 weeks right now and I've been in the hospital twice- once with bad dehydration and most recently with preterm labor.  It has become quite obvious that my body is getting ready to evict these little ladies!!  Two weeks ago they were about 4.5lbs and 3.75lbs each- which is GREAT- and now we just wait!  I head back to my high risk doctor on Tuesday and my regular doctor on Wednesday and I have a feeling they will both be quite informative appointments.  Everyone seems to have an idea of when they think the babies will be here....I really feel like it will be sooner than within the next two weeks at the most!

Last weekend, my mom and my closest friends and family came together to help get us prepared with the last few things we needed for the babies and also celebrate with me!  It was wonderful being able to spend the afternoon with those people who mean the most to us and to our family!  Everyone was so generous and my mom really together a wonderful day to celebrate these little girls who are on their way!!  Everyone got to meet the girls' godmothers, too, and also find out the names that we've decided on!  I really think we're all set and now it's just time to wait......

32.5 weeks = D.O.N.E.!

 The girls' Godmothers
 Two of my closest friends
 Grandparents' to be....again!

Soccer Season Starts

Our Saturday mornings are being spent at the soccer fields lately.  We decided to have the kids join a bigger, more established, soccer league this year.  After spending a few weeks this summer in soccer camps, the kids really wanted to keep playing- especially Nicholas- so we found a league in Sparta and luckily the kids have been practicing and playing for the past two weeks.  Addison is taking to it much better than I thought she would and Nicholas just LOVES soccer....especially goalie!  It's been pretty nice being able to sit and watch them play on Saturday mornings and we even "picnic" in between games with bagels and juice and coffee!  It will be perfect once the bugs are gone and the real fall weather sets in!

First Day of School 2011

The kids started a new school this year and we are SO happy with are the kids!  Nicholas is in a small class and has been given a ton of enrichment and opportunities to expand above and beyond the work that the class is doing.  He is LOVING school and actually just came home on Friday and was named the Star of the Week!
Addison is in a smaller, more directed classroom and has been doing great there.  She really needed more structure than her daycare was giving her and I really wanted he to be in a real school setting so she was ready for Kindergarten next year.  She comes home talking about something new each day and we can see a definitely difference in how the new school has helped her!
The first day of school was all rain and we were running late so our pictures were taken in the parking lot at school!  They had a great day and I LOVE that Nicholas' uniform polo this year is dark blue and NOT white!!


We weathered Hurrican Irene fairly well.  We did lose power for a few days and with two kids, that can be "interesting".  There were points where I considered letting the kids put on their bathing suits and go outside and play in the rain but my logical side and my husband got the better of, the wind was kind of, um, strong!  Once the storm died down and the rain had stopped for the most part, the kids and I ventured out to the car to let my iPhone charge and they got to play for a bit!  Nothing too exciting but after being trapped in the dark and inside for a few days, this was QUITE welcomed!

Slip n Slide

While the end of the Summer was quite warm, we had so much going on that we didn't get outside much.  One of the last times we were able to get out, I set up the kids' slip n slide and they went to town on it!  LOVING it!

Updates and Catching up!

So, I lost my camera cord AND the battery charger for my camera.  I actually lost them when we went to Florida in MARCH and I've been borrowing cords.  Lately, I've been quite lazy and I finally got a new cord and borrowed a battery charger.  So, now I have a bunch of updates......Enjoy.....I'm going to post them as individual posts.

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