Sunday, August 8, 2010

Catching Up

I promise Vacation pictures are coming soon!  I took over 2000 pictures and then I lost the majority of them and then I had to "find" them and recover them.  And now I have to edit them!  So, they are coming....soon!  If you're on Facebook you can see a lot of them there!

We got back from vacation last Sunday but not before a stop in Philadelphia for two days!  I competed in and finished my first triathlon on August 1st and I can now say I am completely addicted and have already put two on my calendar for next year!
My friend Natalie and I kept each other motivated through the entire training process and race.  It was an incredible experience and I am QUITE proud of both us!!

I'm pretty sure that's us in the water- which wasn't nearly as GROSS as we thought it would be!

Out of the water heading to our bikes

Part of my cheering section

Another part of my cheering section

My participation T-Shirt

I didn't get a shot with my medal because the weather turned terrible during the last few minutes of our run but I do have one and I can't wait to add more to my collection!!


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