Sunday, August 8, 2010

August Weekends....

As so much of the rest of the summer has been, our weekend was busy and fun!
Friday night we were able to get together with my best friend from high school.  Kate, her husband Stephen, and their daughter Caroline, live in North Carolina and we don't get to see one another all that often.  They were all up for a visit and we spent Friday afternoon at their hotel enjoying the indoor pool and playground and then heading out for dinner.
The kids had a great time playing together and it was so wonderful to see Kate and catch up in person rather than over email!!  Our next get together is going to be in North Carolina!!

Our Saturday evening was just as fun!  We made plans months ago to get together with good friends of ours and enjoy a night out without kids.  Unfortunately, our sitter canceled on us at the last minute!  We were lucky enough to be able to bring the kids along and everyone had a great time!  We spent the evening at our friend Pat and Bonnie's house for a bbq and enjoyed the perfect weather and great company!


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