Monday, June 1, 2009


There are so many 'firsts' when you have kids.
Their first smile.
Their first laugh.
The first time they roll over.
The first step.
The first day of school.

I could go on....

Today, we had a first that I hadn't expected. Today, Nicholas swallowed his first, and hopefully, his last bolt.

Yes, bolt.

Pat called me at work and told me Nicholas had swallowed a bolt and what should we do. I made a few calls and we were on our way to the emergency room. Nicholas had an x-ray done and what we assumed was a small screw actually turned out to be a bolt. I'm still not sure how he got it down his throat!! But it's his stomach waiting for the journey to continue.

Everyone we encountered during this experience got a good chuckle out of the situation and then proceeded to tell us what their child had swallowed. We are clearly in "good" company!!

On a more positive, and less painful note, the kids both experienced a much more enjoyable first today, as well. Since I had a half day before graduation this evening, we opted- after our impromptu hospital visit, to take them to see "Up". This was their first time in a movie theater and they had a ball! The movie was pretty good, too!!


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