Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Eggs and Pizza Pie

Today began my Spring Break- my long awaited, much needed, much deserved Spring Break!!
The kids and I headed out to run a bunch of errands and then met Grandma for some lunch and shopping. Once we accomplished all of our tasks for the day we headed back to Grandma and Pop-pop's house for naps and eventually Easter egg dyeing!
The kids and Pop-pop dyed a few eggs in preparation for the Easter Bunny's visit this weekend. After they finished coloring the eggs, Nicholas and Addison were quick to jump into their aprons and start helping grandma with cooking dinner! They helped grandma make some very delicious pizza pie that we all enjoyed for dinner!
After dinner and dessert, the kids took out their soccer ball for a quick impromptu inside game! It turned dirty pretty quickly when Addie started slide tackling Nicholas and started taking some cheap shots on goal, aka Pop-pop!
All in all an excellent way to start off these next few days of waiting and hope in preparation for Easter!


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