Sunday, April 6, 2008

Weekend Fiestas

This weekend has been quite nice thus far!
Friday night we spent a quiet evening at home watching movies while the kids slept! (They were in bed nice and early and cut us a break!)
Saturday, we relaxed a bit in front of "Alvin and the Chipmunks" which both kids loved! I highly recommend it to anyone with young kids, it was cute. Although the believability factor of chipmunks being able to sing and going rock n' roll was slightly out there! That could just be me! :)
Saturday night, our good friends Uncle Geoff and Aunt Jen and Maryliz and Paul came over for a fun filled Mexican themed fiesta. We enjoyed all sorts of Mexican foods and drinks as well as each other's company!
We didn't take many pictures but the few that we did of course involved our little model, Nicholas!
Today, we're off to Newark for the evening to have dinner with grandma, pop-pop and Aunt Jessica to celebrate Grandma and Pop-pop's 35th wedding anniversary!
Stay tuned for, hopefully, more pictures!

The boys relaxing
Notice the child splayed out across the table
Nicholas in his "coy" pose
Nicholas' centerfold pose
Our smiley, happy boy!
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