Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mid-Week Blast

It's really not the middle of the week, just yet, but here are a few pictures from yesterday and today.

Addison enjoying her strawberries
I tried to get a shot of her licking the bowl but she just kept playing peek a boo with me!

Nicholas and Daddy hanging out on the couch

Addie playing tackle Daddy
Her back molars are coming in, hence the "crooked" smile!
(She's rubbing those gums like nobody's business!)

Tonight we got blasted with the stomach virus! Nicholas, the kid who can't seem to catch a health break, all of a sudden started vomiting and has been doing so just about every 30 minutes for the past two hours. Who knew there was so much to bring up in that skinny little body!?! Hopefully, he's sleeping off whatever remains of the virus and the Lysol that I blanketed the house with has killed any chance of any of the rest of us getting it!

This might be the only time this child has ever used the Boppy!!


Megan said...

Get better soon Nicholas! Look at Addie's red hair! So pretty!

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