Saturday, June 9, 2007

Prunes are good for the Soul.....and constipation too!

So our sweet child has been constipated lately due to her extra thick formula and the rice cereal she's been eating as of late. What I found was that the pears we tried made her normal gassiness even worse so Grandma suggested we try some prunes. I took this morning as an opportunity to do that! (FYI-Daddy is out playing golf and when he gets home Mommy is going out so there will be a nice surprise for him in Addie's diaper!)
Here are a few shots of the prune experience. One shot before any prunes have been introduced to Addison and then two of the prune massacre and then finally her "Power to the People" post prunes pose! (That's alliteration if I've ever seen it!!) I still cannot get over the fact that this chubby little baby is our scrawny little preemie from just a few weeks ago! We're so happy she's fattening up! :)
We hope everyone enjoys their weekend...I know Daddy will be "enjoying" this afternoon! :)

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