Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010!!

Happy Halloween everyone!
We hope that you all had as nice of a Halloween as we did! Pat and I were on our way back from friends' wedding on Sunday (pictures to come) and the kids were with Grandma and Pop-pop for the weekend so we spent our Halloween in Chatham. We carved pumpkins with Aunt Jessica in the afternoon and then had an early dinner before heading out for Trick-or-Treating.
Nicholas was Buzz Lightyear and Addie was Jessie- both from Toy Story. We decided to make it a family affair this year and Pat and I went as "poor" renditions of Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head from Toy Story. I think the kids enjoyed our costumes more than anything else, well, after all the candy!
They had a great time going from house to house and getting lots of loot! Once we got home we stopped in to see Aunt Meaghan so the kids could show off their costumes and get one last piece of candy!


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