Sunday, September 7, 2008

It's All Greek To Me: A Week in Review

We are back in the swing of things here!

This week has been quite busy! Nicholas has just about completely mastered the potty! (THANK YOU GOD!) As a reward for that Grandma and Pop-pop got him his wish, A Brand New Wagon! Nicholas and Daddy put the wagon together the other night and tested it out right away.

We had a nice Labor Day. Had some friends over for a BBQ on Monday and enjoyed the last moments before we went back to school and work. Sadly, no pictures. We were too busy eating and drinking!

I started back to work this week and while it was nice to get back, it was HOT!! I could've dealt with another week off to let the weather cool down a bit!

The kids went back to school today and I had completely anticipated a really hard time for them. Luckily, I wasn't dropping them off! Pat said that they did GREAT! Gave him hugs and kisses and went right to playing! Who could ask for better?!? AND Nicholas didn't have a single accident while at school! GREAT!

Saturday we stayed in and awaited Hanna. Hanna ended up being nothing too big....lots of much needed rain and some wind. Thankfully, we kept our power and I didn't have to worry about coming up with activities to try in the dark!

Today, the kids and I went down to Grandma and Pop-pop's with goodies for them to wish them a Happy Grandparents' Day. Aunt Jessica also came over and all of us headed to a Greek Festival a few towns over. We had some delicious Greek food and enjoyed the Greek music. Addison especially loved the music...she danced and danced! Nicholas got to play on some inflatables and then we headed back to Grandma and Pop-pop's for some outside fun time. The kids drew on the driveway and played with Aunt Jessica while Grandma, Pop-pop and I watched and enjoyed some beverages. It was a great way to end hectic week!

Enjoy the pictures!!

Making his way through the inflatable obstacle course

Addie giving her big brother a hug just before we left the festival

"Decorating" the driveway

Taking a break from creating his masterpieces

Nicholas enjoying some ice cream at the festival


Addie enjoying some ice cream, too!

Mommy and Nicholas at the Greek Festival

Aunt Jessica

Testing out the new wagon

The First Day of School
Addison wore shoes, don't worry!!
We don't put them on until we get to our destinations because she inevitably takes them off in the car and they can sometimes end up outside the car!!

Listening to the Greek Music

You can't see the other pigtail, but they were SO CUTE!

Dancing Queen!


Unknown said...

Cute! Love the pigtails! Addie looks like such a little lady in that picture with her big brother:)

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