Thursday, July 17, 2008

Out and About

We headed out and about today!
We hit the farmers' market and ran into an old friend.
We spent the afternoon at grandma and pop-pop's.
We put together Nicholas' new bike and we even road tested it!!

Nicholas and Pop-pop testing out the new wheels!

Pop-pop showing Nicholas the proper way to climb on a bike

Pre-Road Test

Addie watching the action in her new hat

In preparation for the beach, Grandma bought us a GIANT tote bag to haul all our stuff to and from the sand each day. It was so big we could actually fit BOTH kids in it!
I could only get a shot of Nicholas.

So, I took a video but did not realize that I would not be able to rotate it.
Oh, well! Here it is...Enjoy!


HRD said...

wow how did nicholas ride sideways like that!!!

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