Friday, May 25, 2007

Tummy Time Gone Bad

We've been using our Boppy to help Addison get in some much needed tummy time. Here, though, is tummy time gone bad. Addie fell right asleep as soon as we put her on her tummy! I couldn't resist snapping a shot!

Our friends Josh and Jenn came over with their new little girl, Dagney, for dinner tonight and they brought Nicholas (and mommy too) a present! Nicholas got a great hat that reads "Big Brother, aka THE BOSS!" Mommy was given a very nice picture frame with a poem about Mommy's little girl. Thanks Josh and Jenn and we love spending time with Dagney! She's changed so much already!

Nicholas asked to hold Addison tonight. It is a rare occasion when big brother begs to get near baby sister so we seized the moment and had daddy help Nicholas hold Addie for a few brief moments!


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