Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Double Trouble Update

I have been quite the lackadaisical blogger as of late and some of you have pointed that out to me!
Sorry for my absence....stuff has been happening but between work, doctor appointments, t-ball games, softball coaching and just being generally worn out blogging has been the last thing on my mind!

To start back let me give you two pictures of the little bears that have been causing my exhaustion and ALL DAY sickness!

 Baby B
Baby A

These two pictures are from my Nuchal scan a few weeks ago.  This scan measures the fluid at the back of baby's neck to determine the risk for chromosomal abnormalities.  The scan, coupled with my bloodwork, showed that my risk was very low.
Baby B is already proving to be FAR more cooperative than their sibling!  Baby B was stretched out on top of Baby A, closer to my stomach.  So while Baby B is super easy to get pictures of, I blame him or her for all the nausea!  ;)  Baby A likes to stay curled up in a little ball in the "corner" of things.  Baby A was much more difficult to get a clear picture of.  The tech did a lot of jiggling of the ultrasound wand and tried gently tapping my stomach, too.  Finally, Baby A stretched out just enough to get a good measurement.
Everyone is measuring up to date and looking very good!  I go back to my high risk specialist to see how the babies are growing and have a few other things checked.  I'm looking forward to a new picture!  And then two weeks after that I head to see my regular doctor who is hoping to be able to tell us what we're having- boys, girls, one of each....we shall see!
I've officially entered the second trimester and I am eagerly awaiting the end of my nausea and maybe some energy returning!  I spend a lot of time resting while Pat has picked up a lot of the slack around here- as have my parents.  I am beyond grateful to everyone!!  I can't even begin to tell you how different growing two babies is from growing one!!  
We are eagerly anticipating the Fall and the arrival of our little bundles!  It's going to be a long Summer!  :)

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